A rollercoaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. There's an unlikely team of heroes, snapping scorpions, television talk show hosts, ice-skating torture and much more…complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagin...
A rollercoaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. There's an unlikely team of heroes, snapping scorpions, television talk show hosts, ice-skating torture and much more…complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
An extra-long, extra-scary Halloween Special Edition; a HorrorLand first! A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.
A roller coaster horror story, complete with a plot propelled by an urgent search and a few comic strip villains come to life. Complete with an ending that is likely to stun readers and leave them pondering the line between imagination and reality.