This planet has a giant volcano three times as tall as the Earth’s tallest mountain.
A football fan watches a live broadcast of a game being played halfway around the world.
Pop Bottles turn into smart shirts, and billboards become trendy handbags.
Hugh has two artificial legs.Kerrick has a machine in his chest that keeps his heart beating at the correct speed.
Learn all about the high-tech gadgets the spies use for their top secret work.
Imagine that you have a deadly infection and your doctor gives you medicine made from lizard spit.
Glowing plants, super-sized mice and insulin for diabetes are all products of genetic engineering.
A soldier carries an explosive device powerful enough to rip apart a heavily armored tank, yet small enough to fit in his pocket.
Weve all seen the television programmes featuring smart scientist investigating cases.
A survey of the machinery and science of the nanometer scale. Its twenty-two contributing authors, drawn from many different disciplines including atomic physics, microelectronics, polymer chemistry, and biophysics, delineate the course of current research and articulate a vision for the development of the nanometer frontiers in electronics, mechanics,...