The Adventures of Kalia - A collection of the wacky adventures of Kalia the crow, Doob Doob the crocodile and Chamataka the fox.
Folktales of China - Chinese folklore consists of fables, legends, mythological tales and historical accounts.
Folktales of Europe - Some of the lesser-known stories from England, Scotland and Ireland are included in this collection.
Folktales of Japan - This collection gives us a glimpse of traditional Japan.
Folktales of South India - This collection brings to you a classic mixture of humorous, informative and interesting stories from the ancient times of southern India.
Holiday Special no. 30 - The fattest, funniest, most exciting comics book of the season is here... TINKLE HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!
Holiday Special no. 33 - The fattest, funniest, most exciting comics book of the season is here... TINKLE HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!
Holiday Special no. 35 - It can give you the spooks and chills, make you roll with giggles and laughter, get you to rack your brains and much more!
Nasruddin Hodja Rides Again! - Nasruddin Hodja lived centuries ago but the stories told about him have a timeless appeal.
Ooops…It’s Butterfingers! - Brought forth for the very first time, a collection of stories on Butterfingers – the clumsiest Tinkle character ever!