Andrew Clements is an American writer of many children's books. His debut novel Frindle won annual book awards determined by the vote of U.S. schoolchildren in about twenty different U.S. states
Two middle school girls scheme to publish a book in this novel from Andrew Clements
Lunch Money, a novel by Andrew Clements (2005), is a realistic story about an ordinary child making extraordinary achievements. The story illustrates how a hardworking boy can have as much effect on the world as any adult—even when adults try to stand in his way.
A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements involves two protagonists: a child and his teacher. At the beginning of the story, both assume they will dislike each other. The events of the story challenge their assumptions and give them both a chance to grow.
It isn’t that Abby Carson can’t do her schoolwork. She just doesn’t like doing it. And in February a warning letter arrives at her home. Abby will have to repeat sixth grade—unless she meets some specific conditions, including taking on an extra-credit project to find a pen pal in a distant country
In Frindle, precocious fifth-grader Nick tries to irritate his teacher, Mrs. Granger, by inventing a new word, "frindle." The word takes off and becomes a worldwide phenomenon thanks in part to businessman Bud Lawrence, who markets frindle products and gives Nick a cut of the profits.
No Talking by Andrew Clements is a novel about a fifth-grade class in which the boys and girls make a pact not to talk for two days.
The Janitor’s Boy is a fifth grader who takes revenge on his father for embarrassing him at school. After Jack’s plan backfires, he gets to know his father as a real person rather than as just his school’s janitor.
The Landry News by Andrew Clements begins as the story of a fifth-grade girl’s conflict with her teacher, but it grows into an insightful commentary on education, family, and the freedom of speech. The main character and her teacher both begin the story full of flaws, but they manage to challenge each other to achieve more and become better people.
Lost and Found is a children's novel about two boys, Ray and Jay Grayson, who are identical twins, and have always wondered what it is like to be a single person rather than "one of the Grayson twins".
Ten of Andrew Clements's most beloved and bestselling school stories are now available as a boxed set, perfect for collecting or giving as gifts.