A unique line of books specifically designed for newly independent readers who are ready to make the exciting leap from leveled readers, but not quite prepared for a traditional chapter book.
The dragon masters series is "how to train your dragon" meets the dragon slayer's academy! dragon masters has it all! dragons, a dragon stone, a king, a wizard, and magic! in the first book in this fully-illustrated series, 8-year old drake is snatched up by king roland's soldier and taken to the castle.
Noah z. Jones turns well-known fairy tales upside-down in this humorous new series! in the land of fake believe, princess meets a strange girl named moldylocks. When princess's stomach grumbles, moldylocks takes her to the home of the three beards.
Princess pink is back for another fractured fairy tale adventure! in the land of fake-believe, princess pink meets scaredy-pants wolf-a baker whose bakery has been robbed.
Eerie elementary is one scary school! in this first book in the series, sam graves discovers that his elementary school is alive! sam finds this out on his first day as the school hall monitor.
In the second book in the series, sam graves's friend lucy disappears into her locker.
Eva Wingdale gets in over her head when she offers to organize a spring festival at school.
Looniverse is an exciting new series that combines fantasy and humor. In this first book, ed finds a coin bearing the words "strange, stranger." once this coin comes into his life, strange things start happening all around him.
Looniverse #2 is even wackier than the first book! ed has to sell chocolate bars to raise money for his soccer team, but the bars have all melted.
Kung pow chicken is the superhero everyone has been waiting for. Gordon blue transforms into kung pow chicken, an avian superhero who fights crime in the city of fowladelphia.
Gordon's birdy senses are tingling like crazy! all over the city, chickens are acting strangely.