A series of Mango Books - Amazing Stories and Enchanting Illustration!
This three stories celebrate generosity and giving.
At the age of 10, Fanny Price move from poor family home to live with her wealthy cousins at Mansfield Park.
The reader will be caught up in an unfolding mystery full of surprises. Perhaps the biggest mystery of all is : Who is Nemo?
Will Song agree to become an outlaw? Will he be able to tread the narrow path between right and wrong?
With little understanding of her own feelings can Emma lead anyone towards happiness?
I saw everything. They told me everything. I played a but in everything. This famous story of Heathcliff and Catherine will thrill you and chill you to the bone.
Mischief is in the air when the King and Queen of the Fairies quarrel and Puck is left in charge of the love potion.
Marianne is ablaze with fire and passion; Ellinor keeps her on heat under control. Marianne seeks a men who shares her eager spirit; Elinor is in love with the polite considerate Edward Ferrars.
Beautiful folktales from Russia, wonderful retold, charmingly illustrated! Gallant Princes, charming princesses, talking animals and wicked King!